Mission Dry Cleaners


For cotton and polyester: Apply ice or put garment in the freezer to harden the gum. Using a dull knife, carefully scrape off as much as possible. Place garment stain side down on a towel and apply a specialty remover designed for gum, such as Carbona Stain Devil. If stain remover is not available, apply a dab of creamy peanut butter to the stain. Rinse and machine wash according to garment care label. Repeat steps as necessary. If colored residue (but no gum or peanut butter) remains, apply a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water to stained area. Rinse and machine wash again.

For washable silk and wool: Apply ice or put garment in the freezer to harden the gum. Using a dull knife, carefully scrape off as much as possible. Place garment stain side down on a towel and apply a specialty remover designed for gum, such as Carbona Stain Devil. If stain persists, take the garment to a dry cleaner.