Mission Dry Cleaners

20 Years Of Opportunities and Growth

What can I say that hasn’t already been said? We’ve been celebrating our 20th Anniversary for three months now, and the rest of our team has covered how important our Affiliates are to us and how GreenEarth has grown over the years. With that said, I feel like I’m in a unique position with the company. So let’s talk about how a 21-year-old Canadian earned a role with GreenEarth Cleaning.

I learned about an opportunity for employment at GreenEarth through Tim Maxwell, who was my hockey coach when I was starting as a goalie. He saw in me a strong work ethic and the skill set to accomplish the tasks necessary every day. My trust in Tim made me take the plunge and apply for a position for Product Inventory Management. While I still work in product inventory, I took the initiative to involve myself in the eCommerce side of things as well. This gave me a better sense of what’s happening and allowed me to learn how I could improve in my role with GreenEarth. My hard work paid off as I was included in multiple projects and opportunities, resulting in my current title, E-Commerce Specialist.

After  almost two years with GreenEarth, I consider myself lucky to work with a great team of professionals. The team at GreenEarth has taught me many new skills and expanded my horizons. In addition to the experience I have gained, GreenEarth has allowed me to pursue my passion for music and a degree in Music Therapy.  I’m forever grateful to the entire team for allowing me to grow as a person and I look forward to my future with GreenEarth Cleaning!